Sunday, 30 September 2018
New 7 Days to Die server
Please let me know if you notice anything that needs to be adjusted. Since I don't play 7 Days to Die, I have no idea what settings are good.

Monday, 18 June 2018
New Minecraft Server!
This server is a Vanilla survival server on Hard. If you'd like to play, please contact serialp0rt to be whitelisted!

Friday, 23 March 2018
Condition Zero Game Night

Help us take it back to our roots with a Condition Zero Game Night! Yes, CS:GO added a lot to the game, but how could you ever give up the wall banging and crouch running of CZ?! The game just has something about it that is impossible to abandon.
Please join us in Mumble at 8pm EDT (UTC-4) for server information.